Where CJ Stands

On Religious Liberty and Personal Freedoms

In times of emergency, the government does not have the right to close the doors of churches or interfere in their worship services. Our Florida businesses should NEVER be shut down.

Right to Life

Every child in the womb has an inherent right to life.

Election Integrity

Floridians demand fair and secure elections. This includes, but is not limited to, implementing Voter ID requirements and conducting thorough Election Audits.

Constitutional Carry

Every Floridian aged 18 and older should have the right to carry and display a firearm without obstruction.

Recall Florida

I support efforts to amend Florida law to allow voters in non-charter counties the power to recall their county officials. This ensures accountability and empowers citizens to take action when their representatives fail to serve their interests.

Medical Freedom

Floridians have the right to refuse any drug or treatment they do not want.

Red Flag Laws

Red Flag Laws must be repealed. These laws unjustly label individuals as criminals and allow the government to confiscate personal property. We are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

Defend the Guard

The National Guard should not be used by the president for foreign conflicts. Except in times of declared war for state security purposes, no state National Guard or reserve troops should be deployed to support or conduct operations in foreign theaters.

10th Amendment

The 10th Amendment guides us in interpreting the Constitution. The federal government has expressly delegated powers. Any act by the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial branches that exceeds these powers is unconstitutional and void.

Nullify Federal Gun Laws

Florida should nullify all federal gun laws. As a sovereign state, we must act independently and uphold our rights.

Opposition to NPVIC

I oppose the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). This scheme aims to undermine the electoral college by securing a controlling majority of electoral college votes from participating states. Under this compact, states would automatically award their electoral votes to the candidate with the most national votes. This is detrimental to our state and our republic.